The 5 Best Small Coffee Companies in Johannesburg and Cape Town
Being in the coffee industry for many years you get to know a number of the other coffee companies and suppliers very well. We have gained some great insight and learnt some excellent lessons from different coffee companies in the industry.
One thing which is great with many of the smaller companies is that you get some exceptional personal service which isn’t always the case with some of the bigger companies. For that reason we chose to highlight 5 of the best coffee companies we have had the pleasure of knowing:
Green Bean Coffee :
Green Bean Coffee is situated in Muldersdrift within the Casalinga plot. Lee, who runs the roaster, produces some of the African Coffee Beans around. She pays meticulous attention to the entire roasting process and is passionate about supplying and roasting only the best AA grade 100% Arabica coffee beans. Lee also offers corporate coffee training and is an expert in green beans and roasted bean alike.
Tea and Coffee Emporium :
The Tea and Coffee Emporium is one of those gems which is very easy to miss if you don’t know about it, but it would be a great pity if you did miss out on this one. Located in Bedford Mall, Ilesh, the passionate owner and coffee expert extraordinaire, sells everything from loose leaf tea to the Handpresso and Aeropress. A visit to his coffee wonderland is an absolute must. To find this incredible coffee shop click on the following link for directions.
Stil Coffee :
Stil coffee, headed up by Erina, specialises in a whole host of coffee blends including a great selection of single origin coffees as well as 100% Arabica blends. Stil coffee also has a number of coffee machines and equipment including the likes of Wega and Expobar. Another great feature of Stil coffee is that they have a fully equipped coffee shop on site together with a superb food menu. For another great review of stil coffee check out this one by Tripadvisor : Tripadvisor Review
Beavercreek and Redberry:
Beavercreek and Redberry coffee is headed up by Dylan Cumming and operates one of the only coffee farms in South Africa. Redberry is famous for supplying the coffee of the month club. A visit to Kwazulu Natal is not complete without experiencing Beavercreek where one can see the whole process of coffee beans from berry to cup.
Cape Coffee Beans:
Cape Coffee Beans is your one stop shop for some of the best coffee beans in Cape Town. Cape Coffee supply a number of great brands including Tribe Coffee, Baseline Coffee, Rosetta Roastery and Hazz coffee roasters. If great coffee beans are what you are after, these are the guys to go to
There are some great coffee companies out there and these 5 are some of the best around. Not only do they provide great products and service but their owners are passionate about what they do and that passion translates into an experience not to be missed
For more info on any of these companies please drop us a line, and we’ll be glad to help.