Best Coffee Machines in South Africa 2018

Best Coffee Machines in South Africa 2018

Don’t we all love these lists? The Forbes “30 under 30” is one of the favourites; the 30 highest earners under the age of 30. I don’t know if this is a self-destruction ploy on ourselves to tease our inner child with times we know we can’t afford, or if it’s a tool we use to propel ourselves further in life, to give us a goal. We’ve decided to throw cost by the wayside and as such – we review the best, top-of-the-range machines in each category. Note that the prices reflected below are true and accurate at the time of publication and are subject to change at the discretion of the retailer, supplier and brand without prior notice. We have also only included machines which are readily available within South Africa, and as such, some of the better known favourites have had to be cut form this list. Well, we hope this guide lends a helping hand in allowing you to choose your best coffee machine! 🙂


Best Bean to Cup Automatic Coffee Machine: LA Marzocco FB80 3 Group AV Commercial Espresso Coffee Machine – Automatic

La Marzocco FB803 group coffee machine


Price Tag: R133,495.00 available online at OnlineCoffeeShop

Stop, breathe in, and out again. We didn’t say this would be an easy read. This machine is guaranteed to blow your mind. It is highly discouraged for anyone pother than a professional Barista who owns a coffee shop (an established one, at that) to consider this machine. The name itself – “La Marzocco” – is a direct translation of the symbol of Florence in Italy; the lion. Lions have always denoted power, pride and precision – no different in representation of what you can expect from this machine.

This monster is the first of it’s kind to commercially use P.I.D technology (Proportional Integral Derivative). It is a mechanism that will control the internal boiler element – it is an electronic brew temperature controller. This works with the amount of grounds available, proportional to the cup size and pressure needed. It correlates all the factors and adjusts each cup’s brew temperature according to the desired outcome – making sure you never burn another cup. There they go, solving problems us commoners never knew existed!

The FB80 3 Group AV contains a dual boiler system; two individual boilers are available – one is dedicated to exceptional Espresso brewing while the other serves the full-time function of steam production. This means equal quality on both your milk froth as well as coffee brewing. The digital display lends a hand (not like it was necessary anyway) to the aesthetic appeal of this Java Giant. Ever had to wait for your machine to heat up before you can get cracking? Well, no more of that! The pre-heating system heats up incoming water into the coffee boiler – meaning the machine is ready to go when you are. Considering the size of this beast (h = 48.5cm; w = 95.5cm; d = 62.7cm; weight = 79KG’s) , that’s a pretty useful feature aiding in the number of Java Junkie’s waiting in line for their drinks while pulling out their hair is greatly decreased 🙂

Using only the best quality materials, the stainless steel porta-filter is no exception. The precision internal baskets and quality material used ensure consistently, high-quality grade coffee, cup after cup. Saturated groups allow for temperature control far beyond current measures.

It all adds up at the end of the day; it’s pure quality, from start to finish, cup after cup.


Best Vending Machine: Rhea Vendors CINO XS Grande Bean to Cup Coffee Vending Machine

cino xs grande


Price Tag: R 47 880.00 available online at OnlineCoffeeShop

Rhea Vendors is already a worldwide leader in coffee vending machines. Often times, Rhea Vendors machines are imported locally and re-branded by the company who aim to resell the product. However, without the re-branding, we review this machine for what it is: Top end Bean to Cup vending! As we have already learnt, there is a big difference in Instant Coffee Vending Machines and Bean Vending Machines. If you’d like a quick recap – check out this video.

We know that only freshly ground beans stand a chance at delivering the finest quality in your cuppa – and since this review is only considering the cream of the crop, this is it!

Off the bat, this machine’s aesthetic reveal two important things: It’s easy to use (one touch buttons) – and it is sophisticated! Whether you’re looking for a vending machine for your corporate lunch area, a high-end office reception areas or even a luxe café, this is a wonderfully adaptable option.

Maintenance is easy with the pre-programmed cleaning cycles.

Your choice of 10 pre-selected beverages at the single touch of a button. This machine uses coffee beans, hot chocolate powder and powdered milk. This expands your options to include choccachino’s, latte’s and cappuccino’s. Yes, it won’t be on the same freshness and quality level as bean-to-cup automatic machines, but look at the price difference, too/.

However, with that being said, there’s no need to worry about a drop in quality. Rhea Vendors still use top-botch materials in all their machines., but because this machine has a far less complicated brewing system, the prices are easily reduced from the machine we reviewed above.

This slice of heaven includes two 2kg hoppers which you can interchange between hot chocolate powder or coffee beans, as well as a 2kg internal coffee bean canister. That equates directly into a whole lot of time saved by not having to constantly refill the hoppers as the day goes by.

If ever a Java Junkie needed their fix – this might just be their best bet. The CINO XS Grande holds an XL brewing chamber which allows for up to 15 grams (3 heaped tea spoons) of coffee to be dispensed for larger coffee shots!

At an average output of 150 cups per day, this may be your ideal solution should you be looking for the perfect blend of quality, aesthetic and output. Connected directly to your existing plumbing, this machine comes fitted with a filter cartridge and head – ensuring the best possible water purity from your municipal supply. Also, it only weight 34 KG’s, so it’s as light on the back as it is on the wallet 🙂


Best Filter Coffee Machine: Philips Grind & Brew Filter Coffee Maker

philips grind and brew coffee maker

Hey, guys, let me surprise you. The best filter coffee machine available in South Africa (in my humble opinion) is NOT the most expensive!

Check out a video demonstration here.

Price Tag: R 2 300.00 (yes, two-thousand three-hundred South African Rands) – available at

But, why?

Well, I’m a proud advocate for bean-to-cup functionality on any and every coffee machine. It’s inevitably more tasty, aromatic and well, I like it!

This little coffee creation does just that – AND MORE!

It has TOW bean grinders – so if you like one bean in particular – you can double up your dosage; or if you’re like me, and want to try – for example – a regular medium roast and a flavoured coffee bean – you can easily combine the two by simply adding a different bean to each canister! You can concoct your very own blend at home.

The Grind Selector rotary allows you to change the grind size per cup (those readers in the know are aware how greatly the size of your coffee grounds can affect the taste and quality of your coffee).

Changeable aroma (coffee strength) levels range from mild, to medium and lastly – strong.

Not only does this machine work on an auto shut-off after 2 hours of non-usage, but it also allows you to prepare your machine ahead of time and set the timer to brew when you anticipate wanting your next fix (by the way, it only takes 10 minutes to brew a full pot!)

This could literally be the turning point ion converting all of us late-sleepers into morning people, after all! The LCD screen lends a touch of class to an otherwise average looking machine.
Weighing only 4.6 KG’s and a capacity of 1.2 litres, this machine will compliment your home and your lifestyle effortlessly. If you’re looking for a solution that caters for more than a small household, or you’re on the lookout for speciality coffee’s, maybe this isn’t the best option for you right now.

Best Capsule Machine: Nespresso Lattissima Pro Automatic Espresso Machine

nespresso lattissima

Ooh, betrayal! Yes, we’re a coffee company. Yes, we sell capsule machines. No, we aren’t biased to the point where we can’t spot a good product! So I’ve chosen the top-range Nespresso.

Watch the Lattissima in action here.

Price Tag: R 6 950.00 available online at .

Why, when the average price for capsules machines ranges from R 1 200.00 – R 2 000.00, is this one triple the price? It comes down to the extra features it has and the extra components needed for that functionality.

It’s first and foremost an automatic pod machine with a milk frother (kinda built-in, but kinda detachable). The LCD screen lends a touch of class to the machine, which – although refined and modern – is quite basic. The screen not only tells you what drink it is preparing, but also indicates water and milk levels – meaning you’ll never be left with insufficient water half-way through brewing your Espresso!

I don’t know about you – but I’ve never seen a capsule machine with programmable settings. This marvellous machine has programmable cup sizes and beverage preferences. Now, the best part; adjustable milk froth intensity! Quick tip: The only difference between a Cappuccino and a Latte is the milk density; latte’s use micro-foam milk and cappuccino’s use regular density froth. The Lattissima pro milk frother can do this and is combined with fully automatic cleaning function

Your coffee can be ready as quickly as you can – it preheats in 25 seconds for coffee and 15 seconds for milk and has an automatic power-off function which activates after 9 minutes of inactivity. An amazingly simple, sophisticated choice for home users who want the best easy way to have a tasty coffee in minutes.


There you have it, folks.


We want YOUR input.


Do you think another machine is more deserving of a spot in these places?
Share your thoughts with us 🙂