Bianchi Lei 200 and Bianchi SA Vending Machines Discussed
The Bianchi Lei 200 Vending Machine is the most popular coffee vending machine in the Bianchi range. The Bianchi Lei features 4 canisters which are typically used for coffee, sugar, milk and hot chocolate. One feature which the Bianchi range features which differentiates it from the other vending machines on the market is their ability to give the user the option of beans and instant coffee in one machine. All Bianchi vending machines can also be fitted with RFID readers and coin and note readers to allow for payment solutions in offices. In this post, we have discussed the two most popular vending machines in the Bianchi range, namely the Bianchi Lei 200 and the Bianchi SA.
Bianchi Lei 200 Features:
The 200 in the Bianchi Lei 200 stands for the fact that it is a 200 cup machine (meaning it is designed for up to 200 cups per day) The Lei 200 can be configured to use beans and instant coffee or only one depending on what the user requirements are.
The following are standard features on Bianchi Lei 200:
• 12 drink options
• Extra sugar button setting
• Cup detecting sensor – which prevents operation in case a cup is not placed
• Lock to ensure products remain safe
• LED display indicating error messages
• Grounds container (which holds up to 200 cups worth)
• Can be plumbed into water mains
• Can also be operated with a pump and drum system
Bianchi Lea SA Features:
The Lei SA is the slim downed version of the Bianchi Lei SA. It also consists of 4 instant ingredient canisters and can also be used as a coffee bean and instant coffee machine in one. The Lei SA is categorised as a semi-automatic vending machine as it doesn’t have the capability of dispensing cups.
The following are standard features on Bianchi Lei SA:
• 12 drink options
• Extra sugar button setting
• Lock to ensure products remain safe
• LED display indicating error messages
• Grounds container (which holds up to 60 cups worth)
• Can be plumbed into water mains
• Can also be operated with a pump and drum system
• 3.6l boiler
Bianchi Lei 200 Rental and Purchase Price:
The Lei 200 is considered to be a a part of the premium vending range worldwide and is considered to be equal in quality to the Rheavendor and Necta vending machine range.
The 200 is an automatic vending machine which means it has the ability to dispense cups as well as product. Automatic coffee vending machine are significantly higher than semi-automatic machines and therefore one can expect to pay approximately R10,000 more for this version compared to the smaller, slimmer Bianchi Lei SA.
The standard purchasing pricing in South Africa for the Lei 200 is around the R30,000 which translates to a rental around the R700 per month mark.
Bianchi Lea SA Price Rental and Purchase Price
The Bianchi Lei SA is one of the most economical coffee vending machines around and does provide good value for its price. The Lei SA is designed for offices of around 30 people and does need to be cleaned out every 60 cups.
The average purchase price in South Africa for the Lei SA is around the R20,000 mark which translates into a rental of around R550 per month.
Bianchi Lei 200 vs. Bianchi SA
To the untrained eye these two machines look very similar however, placed next to each other, the differences are quite obvious.
The SA is considerably smaller than the Lei 200 and can hold less than a third of the coffee pucks compared to the Lei 200. The Lei 200 is, as mentioned, an automatic vending machine whereas the Lei SA is a semi- automatic machine
The cost of the Bianchi Lei 200 is also about 50% more than the Lei SA.
The choice between these two machines really depends on the size of office which one wishes to service, as there is not a significant difference in features between each machine.
Bianchi Video:
Want to watch the Bianchi in action? Have a look at this video created by Bianchi themselves:
Bianchi dealers and importers in South Africa:
There are many coffee companies in South Africa, who stock the Bianchi range. For the complete list, have a look at our article Bianchi Vending Suppliers in South Africa
Bianchi user manuals and price list:
To download any of the above user manuals click on one of the links below
For more info about Bianchi as a company please visit: Bianchi Official Webpage