Capsule Coffee Machines vs Bean to Cup Machines
Whether you drink your coffee straight-up with no sugar or creamer, or you drink only milk-based specialities like Latte’s or Cappuccino’s, the chances are high that you’ve needed a coffee machine in the past to get the level of quality drinks you want.
Some coffee machines are built and intended for one sole purpose – like a French Press or Moka Pot – while others have been made to be largely adaptable to produce a huge variety of our favourite drinks. Two of the most popular coffee machine types are capsule coffee machines (also known as single-serve or pod coffee machines) and bean to cup machines (also known as fresh milk coffee machines or automatic coffee machines).
These two types of coffee machines are fundamentally different, and will suit different needs well. Coffee never has been, nor will it ever be, a one-size-fits-all solution.