Coffee Beans: Aquaspresso Blends
Coffee beans and their origins have an unimaginably huge impact on the taste of your final product. We know already that Brazil is the largest supplier of coffee beans worldwide, but where else do we source our coffee beans from? You’ll be glad to know we have it all layed out below, so you know what you’re getting, where it comes from – and maybe why you love it (or hate it).
There is no such thing as the “perfect coffee blend” – only the perfect blend for you. What I consider to be an amazing cuppa may be the worst tasting substance to you. Best is relative.
If you’ve tried any of our coffee products before – feel free to share your stories, favourites and worst’s with us – we love to hear from you!
Coffee Beans: Behind the Scenes
Unless you have witnessed it for yourself before, it’s hard to imagine all the processes that need to occur from receiving the green coffee bean, all the way through to getting it to your table. It’s not as simple s receive, sort, roast and blend. No, not a chance. Our coffee beans undergo rigorous processes – from quality checks for the presence of excess moisture (which leads to mould), pesticide and heavy metal screening, spot-checks, magnetic filtration and separation. The list is endless. It’s why our coffee beans can match up to the stringent requirements needed to be categorised with an FSSC22000 grading. Now, this may not be of huge importance to you, but for those who hold the quality, sustainability and purity of their coffee will know we put in every imaginable effort to ensure we have consistently high-quality coffee beans. If fair trade, organic and FSSC22000 accreditation means nothing to you – you may be happier looking at supermarket coffee. It comes at a cheaper price and may not have undergone all the testing listed above. That doesn’t mean it’s not good coffee though – it just means it fits your preferences better.
We have four different variants of coffee beans, each with a different taste, with different blends and varied strengths. The best one? The one that lands in my coffee cup first thing in the morning! A discerning palette may be able to pick up subtleties and nuances that the untrained palette may completely overlook; or you, a home coffee enthusiast, may pick up the same differences in the beans. For most of us, coffee is coffee. Yes, we can tell the difference between Instant VS Filter, but from blend to blend – most of us are none the wiser. It doesn’t mean you opinion is invalid; maybe we should just drink more coffee to up our skill level 🙂 All of our Coffee Beans come in handy 250g sized bags.
Coffee Bean Blend: Aquaspresso Gold
Making any coffee enthusiasts heart skip a beat – our Gold blend is 100% Arabica beans, sourced from Kenya and roasted to a medium level.
Coffee Bean Blend: Aquaspresso African
Blended origins spanning Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya – this medium roast 100% Arabica blend is proudly African.
Coffee Bean Blend: Aquaspresso Origins
100% Arabica Coffee beans sourced solely from Tanzania and medium-roasted to perfection.
Coffee Bean Blend: Aquaspresso Mountain
Our only Arabica (90%) and Robusta (10%) blend, Aquaspresso Mountain is the world in a packet, with beans sourced from Guatemala, Brazil Santos, Honduras and Vietnam – all roast to a medium level and put together in a neat package.
What to consider when you buy Coffee Beans
Wondering where else you can get coffee beans? Have a look here.
We’ve taken many factors into consideration with our blends; there is absolutely no conclusive way to say which of them is “the best”. We recommend you try as many coffee types as you can and let yourself be the judge.
If you’re more of a plain-Jane and prefer your Filter Coffee, try that out too! Capsule Coffee Lover? Go for that!
Looking for clear-conscience, guilt-free, superior grade quality coffee for any of your Bean-to-Cup coffee machines?
Well, this is a good place to start. 🙂