Which Coffee Brands are Fair Trade? A Fair Q & A

which coffee is fair trade

Which Coffee Brands are Fair Trade? A Fair Q & A

Fair Trade has gained a lot of support in recent year, particularly in South Africa. The growing importance of ethically and sustainably farmed consumables has almost never been this important. We’d like to share with you some certified and renowned Fair Trade Coffee Brands.

What is Fair Trade Coffee? A Quick Overview.

A direct copy of findings from a quick Google search – the simplest definition for Fair Trade is “Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers”. This is a newly adapted trade compliance law and something you should look out for in all cocoa, coffee, cotton, wine and spirit product-related purchases, in aide to ensuring child labour and unfair practices are eventually an unsustainable form of production and sourcing.

How Do I know My Coffee is Fair Trade?

The easiest way to spot Fair Trade Coffee, or any Fair Trade product for that matter, is to look for this symbol: fair trade certification


Which Local Coffee Brands are Certified Fair Trade?

Fairtrade.org.za is a local guide for all your Fair Trade questions and concerns. They have listed the following local coffee brands as certified Free Trade Coffee:

  • Antigua Café Deluxe
  • Blacksmith Honesty Blend
  • W Café (available only form Woolworths)
  • Puro Coffee
  • Esspresseco Coffee Capsules
  • Woolworths Organic Coffee and Woolworths Instant Coffee
  • Terbodore
  • Fabino
  • Motherland Coffee
  • Bean There
  • CIRO Coffee
  • Bean There

It’s also important to note that Aquaspresso Coffee Company’s coffee bean supplier is wholly Fair Trade – and can be verified here. Just click on “Coffee’ as the product, “South Africa” as the region and use the List View. Famous Brands is a listed Fair Trade supplier.

Which International Coffee Brands are Certified Fair Trade?

fair trade international

AThe Cultureist has drawn up a nifty list of the best quality international Fair Trade Coffee brands to help us along this journey. My own research has revealed the following best brands:

  • DOMA Coffee
  • Stumptown Coffee
  • Allegro Coffee
  • Kicking Horse Coffee
  • Conscious Coffee
  • Kaladi Coffee
  • Salt Spring Coffee

Now, we all know that carrying any sort of certification usually comes with a price tag. The brands listed above form part of a much bigger selection, but we have just chosen the most popular brands and those gaining notoriety for ease of reference. These brands also form part of the more expensive coffee brands and unfortunately, some of our favourite brands are not certified Free trade Coffee.

As they say though, awareness is the first step to fixing the problem.