Best of: The Top 5 Coffee Gadgets

Best of: The Top 5 Coffee Gadgets

This has me so excited I want to jump through the page and tell you face-to-face, so in an attempt to curb my enthusiasm let’s get going! Note that I am not putting this in any specific order; in my eyes they are all mind-bogglingly awesome. Also, I have re-named these gadgets to what I think reflects their purpose and functionality and they likely have a much more sophisticated, real name. Nevertheless, enjoy!

The-Express-Espresso-Microwave-Mug of Magic (Real Name: Piamo Espresso)  Piamo Espresso Mug Coffee Gadget

Hold me back, people, hold me back. Did you just tell me that I could get a mug that will make me a genuine Espresso – in the MICROWAVE?  This little magical mug can create your Espresso in under 30 seconds and uses coffee grounds as well as coffee pads. Coffee Pads, you say? I was also intrigued by this. It’s basically a coffee tea-bag, which I think is freaking awesome. Check it out here. And check the Piamo Espresso Mug out here.

Self-Stabilising Starbucks Swingset (Real Name: Tugo Luggage Cup Drink Bottle) Tugo Luggage Clip Coffee Gadget

No offence intended to the manufacturer whatsoever, but I think my naming of this product wins this time. Ever been to an airport, carrying your laptop bag, wheel luggage bag and a piping hot coffee, and you just wish you had somewhere to put that coffee? Here you have it. A simple yet incredibly useful and effective product, I’m sure travellers and Mom’s across the world are jumping for joy. You can find it on .

Camping Coffee Creator (Real Name: It appears this has no official name, but is supplied by Mountain Trail Outfitters and is branded The Grower’s Cup) Growers Cup Coffee Gadget

Talk about convenience! This nifty (and very well-priced) little pack of awesomeness retails around $2.50 (roughly R 35.00) and literally performs miracles. It is a single-brew French press packet. It produces two freshly brewed cups of coffee, and the only input required from your side is the addition of about 300ml of hot water into the pouch and timing it’s brew between 2 – 4 minutes. Plus, it’s re-sealable, but with that kind of convenience, why would you even need to re-seal? Find it here.

The-A-Straw-Nomical Invention (Real Name: Amgate Stainless Steel Yerba Mate Tea Bombilla Gourd Drinking Straw Filtered) Amgate Coffee Gadget Straw

Again, I think my naming wins this round. But, wow! Have you ever taken a huge gulp of coffee to be left disappointed, because there are still gross little floating bits all over that you end up ingesting anyways? Me too, and that can ruin a genuinely great cup of coffee. This little gadget here eliminates that and considering it costs less than R100 and is available on, I’d rate this as a straw-ng competitor for “Best Gadget”.

Bean-to-Bean Coffee Bean Cooler (Real Name: Joulies) Joulies Coffee Bean Gadget

Okay, okay, Joulie’s wins this round without a doubt. In terms of product naming as well as the product itself. These stainless steel, coffee-bean shaped tools can be added to your coffee beans to lower their initial temperature and keep them at their prime temperature. This can mean an extended shelf-life on your beans, enhancing their freshness and taste significantly. They look cool and they are cool. They’re also available direct form the manufacturer at Joulie’ .

There you have it, folks, my coolest Coffee Gadgets Top 5. If you have any cool gadgets we haven’t mentioned, or would like to share any related stories, give us a shout in the comments section.