5 Ways to Make Sure You Don’t Purchase or Rent the Wrong Coffee Machine – Coffee Machine Rental and Purchase Tips
When trawling the net to find the right coffee machine for your company, it can feel that there are just SO many options. From different brands to rental or purchase options, who would have thought that finding the right coffee machine could be such a difficult task.
For this reason we created this quick fire list to make sure you don’t make a mistake in your coffee machine quest – we hope you find it useful!
Try Before you buy a coffee machine:
Don’t buy or rent a coffee machine without undergoing a trial period. We have seen too many cases when companies have bought coffee machines (from other companies AND ourselves) without trying them first. Sometimes the coffee machines are a big hit but there have been unfortunate cases where the people in the company haven’t enjoyed the machine. For this reason we almost force people to trial a coffee machine, just to make sure, they are happy, before they purchase or commit to a long term rental.
Speak to Other Companies:
Make sure you ask for a list of references. Other companies who are already using a company’s coffee machines can tell you how the machine performs, how the service is, etc. References and referrals are one of the best ways to vet a coffee company as you get a total impartial opinion of the coffee company in question.
Don’t get locked into long term contract:
So often companies are on their best behavior until the point that you decide to commit to a 3 year rental term. To ensure companies keep up their level of service insist on nothing more than a 1 year rental term (if you decide to rent). As with all contractual services, the shorter the term the better. You can usually be quite sure that not too much will change after your trial period for another 11 months but it is very difficult to forecast 30 months into the future, as to whether or not your coffee machine will still be the right option for you.
Everyone has different coffee tastes:
It is better to undergo a trial at your company then to have only one or two people come out and try the coffee. If only the two tasters enjoy the coffee and the rest of the company hate it, then you are not going to have happy people. Rather give everyone a taste of the coffee before committing. We see this mistake a lot in restaurant environments where the owners do a coffee tasting and select a coffee bean which is to their taste. It is just as important, if not more important, to get the opinion of the masses before you decide on a machine or coffee blend.
Choose a coffee machine according to your budget rather than features:
Given the choice between a Ferrari and a Hyundai, most people will choose a Ferrari (or at least I know I would)-Then why am I driving a Hyundai J? Because size price does matter! It is important to start with a budget in mind before you choose your features…To avoid disappointment J. Everyone would love a machine that can do cappuccinos, hot chocolate and mocachinos but unfortunately budgets sometimes demand a filter coffee machine instead. It is important to select a coffee machine with your budget in mind.
First Questions to ask yourself when choosing a Coffee Machine:
So what do you do next? Firstly, you want to make you first “best guess” regarding which coffee machine to start with.
To help our customers pick a machine to start with to try we suggest answering the following questions:
- Why do you want to get a coffee machine (Save costs, have nicer coffee in the office, make a cleaner environment)
- How many people will be using the coffee machine
- What are you looking to spend more or less on a monthly basis
Once you have answered the three questions above and thrown caution to the wind by following the 5 tips above, you should be read to start your coffee expedition
To view our pricing, please click our coffee machine pricing link here:
Or to test a coffee machine for a month please complete your details below!