Coffee Machine Review: Jura XS9 VS Jura F8
I always feel like I need to ring-in these type of reviews in the same fashion as those white-and-black-stripe clad wrestling commentators: “Annnnd in the left corner, weighing in at 50kg, winner of the world Coffee Championships for three years running…”. But, ultimately, my aim is not to pin up two incredible coffee machines against one another. My aim is rather to educate you and make you aware of what options are out there – and which may be your best fit.
Jura XS9 Brief Overview 
It is officially known as the Jura Impressa XS9, and it’s really not that hard to see why. Although some may consider it biased – I have had the pleasure of operating this machine and, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. The easy-to-operate milk frother forms part of the machine and as such, if it causes issues, can be repaired by the company you are renting it from. However, 99.9% of cases of faulty milk frother’s on Jura Coffee Machines can be fixed by conducting a thorough cleaning of the tube and components of the milk frother (also make sure you re-assemble the parts as they are meant to be, even a 100% clean pipe won’t work if it isn’t fitted together properly). The Jura XS9 can make an impressive 12 hot beverages, boasts features like “Active Bean Monitoring”- which is basically a nifty feature to tell you when your beans need replacing etc. The display screen tells you all you need to know in terms of maintenance, cleaning, issues detected as well as what the machine is doing at that time. A removable water cannister with a fitted filter means you may use tap water to make premium coffee, and it will not take up space unnecessary – nor require other plumbing solutions. It’s a plug-and-play solution that will make the heart of a coffee lover skip a beat. This coffee machine solution is definitely geared more towards a larger office setting. Yes, the milk consumption will be remarkably higher (this can be over-ridden by asking staff to bring in their own milk to make cappuccino’s etc.; they are still getting premium coffee and need only worry about providing one element to it). Even the biggest coffee lover, however, might want to skip this option for home-based use. It would be a waste of an extraordinary machine to limit it to a domestic kitchen; space would need to be considered as well as optimal usage. I reiterate: If you fall into any of the below categories, this option is NOT for you: – Home user – Small office of less than 10 people – You are concerned about costs of coffee – Coffee quality has no bearing on your decision
Jura F8 Brief Overview 
Also officially known as the Jura Impressa F8, this stunner is definitely impressive. It boasts a TFT Display screen (Thin Film Transistor) which roughly translates to an interactive LCD display screen. Aesthetic appeal – check! Ease of use – double check! Fine foam technology ensures milk-based drinks have the best foam possible – oh, wait, I haven’t told you about that! You can pre-set 4 speciality coffee’s to be made at the touch of a button. This is a one-touch coffee machine – meaning that from milk froth to coffee component – you won’t need to lift a finger. You select your drink of choice, and wait for the magic to happen. The Jura F8 is also far more compact – so if space is an area of concern for you, this might be a better bet than the XS9. This machine could be suitable for office use – as well as home use. It will inevitably work out more costly to be a home-based solution, but it will require far less space in comparison to the Jura XS9. Jura is a considered purchase; if you are any of the following, rather consider other coffee options. – You need an easy-to-use solution that requires no training and the juR – This machine will be used in a public or reception area – You need to control product usage – You find a cup of instant coffee sufficiently satisfying The long-bar and short-shot of it: We have given our review of two of (in my opinion) the finest Jura coffee machines available to the public. Jura carries a mark of renowned quality; combine a n exceptional machine with quality product and all your coffee needs and desires will surely be met.
The Biggest Differences: Jura XS9 VS Jura F8
Apart from a steep difference in outright-purchase price between the Jura XS9 and the Jura F8, some other differences between the two are outlines as below: Production Capacity: The Jura F8 has a production capacity of 40 cups per day, whereas the Jura XS9 can produce double that (at 80 cups per day) and as such proves to be better suited to larger consumption complements. Size: The Jura XS9 stands at 45cm high. The F8, however, comes in considerably smaller at 35cm high. If space is an issue, this may be something you’d need to consider. Screen Display: The Jura XS9 has (my apologies if this offends you) a very basic screen display. Yes, it is interactive and precisely indicative of what the machine needs, when it needs it and sometimes even why! The Jura F8, however, has a sexy little TFT Display screen (a fancy form of LCD Display) with a rotary selection (a fancy little circle that you can scroll through to make a selection on your screen) Convenience: The Jura XS9 has a tank capacity of (nearly) 6l, as opposed to the 1.9 litre tank capacity of the Jura F8. However, the Jura XS9 comes in second place in terms of One-Touch convenience. The Jura F8 can froth your milk for your cappuccino AND add the single (or double) Espresso shot – without you needing to lift a finger.
Head-to-Head: Jura XS9 Pricing VS Jura F8 Pricing
There’s absolutely no use in denying that price is usually the deciding factor in any type of asset-purchase (or otherwise, for that matter). We also know that transparency in terms of pricing is as rare as chicken’s teeth in the coffee industry. If you have researched, done your home work a(and all those other cliche’s) and have made your decided choice to opt for a Jura, choose the machine that fits your budget the best. The Jura XS9 carries a price tag in the region of R 1 5000.00 per month for rental and about R 22 000.00 for outright purchase. The Jura F9 comes in a little cheaper at close on R 13 000.00 for outright purchase, but comes in at a tie in monthly rental price as the XS9 – at R 1500.00 per month. We always encourage some research in terms of Rent VS Buy to see which would be most beneficial to you in the long run. Consider our guidelines, but ultimately, go ahead with whatever machine suits you, your needs and wants as closely as possible. It always has – and always will be your happiness that we put first.