Coffee Machines in South Africa

Coffee Machines in South Africa

Coffee machines in South Africa (za coffee machines), like most things these days are identical to the range you can get overseas…with the following exceptions.

Pod coffee machines and capsule coffee machines are hugely dominant overseas. Due to this fact you will find hundreds of different brands overseas including Keurig,Kenco,Flavia and many more.

The reason for the huge popularity of these coffee machines overseas is large due to the fact that coffee at restaurants is so expensive and pod and capsule prices are very cheap.

In South Africa the price for most capsules is quite a bit higher than overseas and therefore bean-to-cup coffee machines are popular for those that can afford them. For offices, bean-to-cup coffee machines are the best bet for ease of use and for cost whereas the best for home use often comes down to preference.

The best thing to do when considering getting a coffee machine is to ask an expert, as experts are always glad to help 🙂