Coffee Training Courses in Johannesburg – Let Your Inner Barista Out!
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I stand firm in the belief that it’s never too late to learn something, and with the amount of venues which offer coffee training and appreciation courses throughout Johannesburg, you’d be hard done by to miss out on perfecting your Bartisa-ing skills!
We’ve compiled a list of coffee training venues throughout Jozi, for every level of interest – from those who just want to decorate their coffee nicely, all the way through to a full-on Barista training course.
CIRO Coffee Academy

This is a great place to come to if you’re in the hospitality or restaurant industry, and your place of work makes use of automatic coffee machines.
The three major courses offered by the CIRO Coffee Academy ranges from 5 hours up to 2 days, and range widely in skill level.
They offer a course for Coffee Passionate People – to learn about coffee as a whole. They further offer a coffee learners course, lasting one day, and lastly, an Introductory Barista Course spanning two days.
CIRO is an exceptionally well established and recognised name in the coffee industry, so what better place to get your foot in the door than here?
Head on over here to get more details on the courses offered by CIRO Coffee Academy!
illy Coffee South Africa

illy is another well-established coffee authority in South Africa – and their coffee training offers a unique spin on things. For just under two thousand Randela’s, you can embark on an “Excellence on Coffee and Cappuccino” course. The course offers “an understanding of espresso equipment, settings & maintenance, producing the perfect espresso and cappuccino in store, increasing customer satisfaction.”
This seems to be a great choice for anybody who owns a restaurant of coffee shop, or any aspiring Barista who is looking for a great starting point.
What better foundation than learning the basics of equipment and producing the forefather of coffee – the Espresso?
Sign up for the illy Excellence on Coffee and Cappuccino course here!
Coffee Merchant

Ideal for the home Barista and those starting out, the Barista Training Course offered by the Coffee Merchant offer training in line with WBC guidelines and give you a great understanding of everything from selecting the correct grinder setting, all the way through to extracting the perfect shot of Espresso.
Book your seat at the Coffee Merchant Barista Training Course here!
Latte Love

Just to be clear, this is in no way associated with the brand “Whole Latte Love”.
Latte Love has two tailored offerings that will suit your requirements. The Coffee Master class spans three hours, and is better suited to those who are seeking a general understanding of operational needs and techniques in terms of brewing coffee, as well as coffee growing regions and coffee roasting methods.
Their second course, the Introduction to Barista Course, covers basic coffee theory and later on, Barista art, Espresso making and milk frothing techniques, as well as the key skills of consistency and speed. The course lasts six hours.
Head on over here and check out Latte Love’s available courses!
Molecular Bars

So, having looked through all these amazing courses we’ve outlined above, you’re still not finding the course you want to take. Molecular Bars are one of the best coffee training facilities, and you’ll soon see why.
Their course range spans from a three-hour Essential Caffeine Workshop, all the way through to a full, 5 day week Master Barista Training Course.
To summarise their offering, I’ve categorised them from novice to master, below:
1) Essential Caffeine Workshop – basic overview for coffee lovers with some tastings.
2) Barista Fundamentals Workshop – Espresso techniques, milk frothing and the absolute fundamentals to becoming a Barista.
3) Spilt Milk Workshop – for the Barista who’s looking to fine tune their latte art skills, free-pouring as well as etching techniques.
4) Master Barista Workshop – everything from the history of coffee, coffee grading and roasting, setting up a coffee bar to WBC basics. If you’re looking to polish up your already developed skills, check this one out.
5) Brewing Techniques Workshop – learn about correct grind size, as well as how to perfectly extract a cuppa from Chemex, V60 Pour-over, Siphon, Aeropress, French press and Moka pots.
In addition to thee courses, they also host coffee evenings, including a Co fee Cupping Evening, a Coffee Cocktail Evening as well as a Coffee Consultancy event – during which they help new coffee shop owners understand what is needed to get their business successfully up and running.
Check out Molecular Bars’ pricing and offerings here!
“Barista: a male or female “bartender”, who typically works behind a counter, serving hot drinks (such as espresso), cold alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and snacks.” AKA – LIFESAVERS!
Have you ever been of a coffee training course, a coffee appreciation course or even a Barista course?
What was your most valuable lesson learned while you were there – or have you adapted any of the techniques you learned into something amazing?