Mineral water differs from tap water, in that it originates from a spring and contains salts, sulfur compounds and other minerals. Even though mineral water comes from a natural source, it still has to be treated, because it may have come in contact with something that makes it unsafe for human consumption. Today, we’ll touch on this process and point you in the right direction if you’re looking for an all-in-one water solution.
Types of Mineral Water
Natural mineral water refers to still water that has the same CO2 content even after it has been treated and bottled. Carbonated natural water refers to the same thing, except that more CO2 has been added to make it sparkling. These are the two most common types available on the South African market today. Some natural mineral water types are mixed with carbonic acid directly from the source, which seemingly makes it more “natural” than doing so from elsewhere. Mineral water with over 250 mg per litre of carbon dioxide lives under the umbrella of acidulous or “sour-well” natural water, which has its own purposes over and above commercial consumption.
How Mineral Water Is Treated
Mineral water originates from rainwater, which often works its way through sand, gravel and rock just to get into underground springs. Even though this process actually adds minerals to the water, it also runs the risk of contamination, especially if the water lies stagnant for too long. For this reason, mineral water is treated to make sure that it meets health industry standards before it can be commercially sold. This treatment often involves increasing calcium and magnesium levels, while making sure the sodium levels are low in proportion for the desired effect (even though this may differ from supplier to supplier). Iron and manganese is usually removed, along with other heavy metals.
Regulations Around Mineral Water
There are strict rules and laws around the safe extraction of mineral water. In order to do so legally, it must come from a source that is as protected as possible from contamination. It must be free of germs, parasites and harmful components right from the source, and immediately classified in terms of its natural minerals, trace elements and other components. Keep in mind that this can change from source to source as the seasons change. Mineral water must always be of original purty and texture, which limits the ways in which it can be treated. It must not be drastically changed by the treatment process, in order to retain its “natural” status, which marketers like to flaunt.
Buying Treated, Ready-To-Drink Water
Leaving extraction and treatment to the pros is probably the best thing to do if you’re a mineral water fan. The team at Aquazania knows everything to know about this, and offers high quality water across smaller bottles, larger water coolers and more. Smaller bottles can be bought, and bottled water coolers can be bought or rented. That way, you can get your hands on a steady supply of treated, safe to drink water that is appropriate for home or the office. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, what more can we really ask for.