In Comparison: Purified vs. Distilled vs. Tap Water

When trying to start a health journey which includes giving yourself consistent access to a clean, safe water supply, it can be easy to get jumbled up between the different types of water on offer. Purified and distilled water are commonly referenced in the water industry, but few people know about their differences relative to regular tap water. Today, we’ll dive a little deeper into each type, in order to help you decide which will be best suited to your needs at home or at the office as we move deeper into 2020 and beyond.

Purified Water

Purified water is a type of water that has been filtered or processed to remove impurities in a bid to create a safe and healthy option that is ready for consumption. The filtration process usually involves removing chemicals and contaminants that may cause immediate harm to you as the drinker, or result in health problems longer down the line. This type of water is created using tap or groundwater, with a focus on getting rid of bacteria, algae, parasites, metals and other pollutants. A little known fact is that in many countries around the world, public drinking water is actually a form of purified tap water, processed by the government and municipalities to make it safe for human consumption.

Regular Tap Water

Regular water, otherwise known as tap water, is essentially what purified water would be without going through the process of filtration to remove impurities. This water can vary in where it is supplied from depending on your geographical location, and sometimes the quality of the water can even be compromised by the pipes in your home or the complex you live in. This type of water is practical as it is readily available for tasks like showering and cleaning, but it is not always the best bet when it comes to it being a primary source of drinking water. With regular tap water, you never know what you’re going to get, and while public officials have a mandate to provide safe drinking water to the citizens, it can be hard to regulate, especially in countries with a lack of infrastructure, data and reporting. 

Distilled Water

Distilled water is a type of water that has been subjected to a process of distillation, in order to remove impurities. This involves the process of boiling the water and collecting the steam, which eventually returns to water after it cools down. Studies have shown that this type of water is effective at removing harmful contaminants like bacteria, chemicals and other viruses. This type of water is known for its purity, which is why you’ll often find it in the medical sector or find it being used in research laboratories. Distilled water is not as commonly used as drinking water, albeit that it is an option if you’re looking to get your hands on a contaminant-free glass with every sip. Distilled water also removes chlorine from drinking water, which is often added by municipalities to tap water to make it relatively safe for drinking. This is a drawcard for many people, but keep in mind that the process of distillation takes time and energy, and this type of water is not as readily available as a purified option might be.