Jura Accessories – Part and Parcel or an Unnecessary Spend?

Jura Accessories – Part and Parcel or an Unnecessary Spend?

I’ll be the first to admit that when I make a considered, costly purchase, I try my best to keep all other costs low. For instance – do I really NEED that branded accessory bag for my new GHD hair straightener?

But then I also think – will the R 500.00 I’ve saved by not buying it end up costing me more in damages that happen to my new hair straightener when it’s not in a protective case?

I’d like this to be our line of thinking when it comes to coffee machine accessories – especially Jura Coffee Machines.

I’ll be doping a quick run-through of Jura’s most popular coffee machine accessories, their pricing- as well as how they can help you on your quest to make the best coffee possible.

Jura Fine Foam Frother / Easy Fine Foam Frother – RSP +/- R 700.00 – R 900.00

This may very well be one of the best investment pieces for your Jura Coffee machine. This little accessory plugs neatly onto your piping for the frother portion of your machine – and allows you to select the fineness and density of your milk froth. This is truly what separates the Cappuccino’s from the Latte’s.

Jura Vacuum Milk Container – RSP +/- R 800.00 – R 930.00

This is one of the more basic options when it comes to storing your milk. The Vacuum Milk Container is a brushed stainless steel-finished jug, which, as the name says, seals with a vacuum-tight air lock. This is great for decanting milk into, and popping back into the fridge once used.

Jura Glass Milk Container – RSP +/- R 300.00

Another less costly option for milk storage for Jura’s is the glass milk container. This is essentially the same as the Vacuum Milk Container – sans the vacuum-seal. The fussiest part of the Vacuum Milk Container and the Glass Milk Container is having to replace the jug into the fridge after every use, but it does add a certain aesthetic appeal to the overall look of the machines.

Jura Cool Control Milk Container – RSP -+/- R 1600.00 – R 2100.00

This is where Jura has stepped up their milk-storage game. The cool control is basically the Vacuum Milk Container, made into a miniature fridge. This beautiful accessory keeps your milk fresh and perfectly chilled – so you have access to milk on-tap at any time of the day.

Jura Bean Hopper Add-On – RSP +/- R 1700.00

Not a necessity for the smaller, domestic-range of Jura coffee machines, the bean hopper extension is better suited to very busy environment where the larger type of commercial Jura coffee machines are used – like café’s, hair salons etc. It almost doubles most bean hoppers – adding an extra 500g of whole beans to your avail.

Jura Free Standing Milk Frother – RSP +/- R 1000.00

Because most Jura’s come with some sort of integrated milk-frothing system, this is not necessarily an accessory that most Jura users would need. But, it could either an easy way around a broken milk frothing spoilt on your machine, or a lovely add-on to a manual Espresso coffee machine. The froth quality on the stand-alone milk frother is, arguable – and at least in my opinion – of far higher quality than any other type of foam. One extra feature is that this stand-alone frother has integrated heating, and will keep your frothed milk warm for you if you get a little distracted.

Jura Cup Warmer – RSP +/- Up to R 14 000.00 for “X” Range Machines

Again, not necessarily a coffee-improving accessory – but this accessory sure does have undeniable benefits. Pore-heated cups allow your coffee to stay hot for longer, and the designs of this add-on can add a complimentary aesthetic to your already striking Jura coffee machine.

We would love to know what the most beneficial accessory is that you’ve successfully used on your Jura!