Jura ENA Micro 9 – Coffee Machine Review
So you’re ready for your amazing espresso machine to make that perfect cup, but the only thing standing in your way is the packaging and the plug, and the startup, and the.. well you get the picture.
It only takes about 12 – 15 minutes to open the Jura Coffee Machine box to taking that first sip of amazingly delicious espresso coffee – and that includes running the hard water test. For a time saver, you can’t get speedier than that.
The Jura ENA Micro 9 is a sexy beast, very fast and of course the most important aspect, is the ability to make super-delicious espresso and espresso-based coffee drinks. The kids might even rename this to Espressoid 9000 if you can find some bobble eyes to stick on from the 0.99 cents store, but of course you’re never going to to that, right! You’re not into Sci-Fi, right?
So, what can it all do?
After set up, you can probably make about two shots of espresso, two lattes, a cappuccino, a cafe crema and pour some hot water for tea before you need to refill the water tank. You also don’t have to stop to empty the knock box or drip tray, which sounds like you’re ready for that dinner party and serve everyone is a 10 minute blitz!
What about the taste?
Your drinks will be hot and have a rich, full espresso flavour, just like your corner barista made them for you. Not too shabby that! The single shots had sexy crema on their surface, and the the latte macchiatos were well delivered with color streaks as you drink them down. The cappuccino is probably just as good as what you can get in any café. The crema cafe is also good and any hot water for tea is practically instant without annoying warm-up time. Note that the drinks, even though hot, are drinkable without fear of burning lips.
Drink Tip
While testing each drink on the preset menu, we recommend using a large thick glass mug (that can take temperature), so you can see what is being poured without the overflow risk. Luckily, in case you forget, overflow will simply run into the grid-topped drip tray so no immediate action is needed – you can just clean it up a bit later. After becoming familiar with the quantities find tall or skinny glasses to hold your latte macchiatos since the streaks look great in those.
How good is the foam?
You’ll be impressed with the foam density on this machine, and again, it’s instant – no waiting for the milk to get hot first. You just pour in a glass of whole milk, insert the tube and then sit next to this marvel and watch it go. Espresso and milk arrive simultaneously from the same adjustable tower spout, so no moving around cups or glasses. It can even work with lower fat milks, although it may not be as excellent as full cream milk.
After a milk drink, the Jura ENA Micro 9 will auto rinse when you turn it off, so ensure you leave a cup under the spout. Disassembly is pretty painless to rinse the hose and spout. Check out out video for more info on how to clean the frother assembly.
The foam this automatic machine delivers is dense and thick, but for those beautiful striations on the latte macchiatos you need to position the adjustable spout tower just above the rim on your glass. If you make it too high the momentum of the pour will simply mix your drink below the foam cap.
Style of the Coffee Machine
The Jura ENA Micro 9 coffee machine is made of hard plastic with a matte silver finish, the drip tray and spout tower have chrome accents. The shiny black top area is also easy to wipe clean. The overall design is modern and sleek and even though it’s all plastic it really feels solid and luxurious – if it was made from metal, you’d need two people to lift it.
The forward slant of the machine almost feels like it’s leaning in toward you ready to listen to your order. Most people will be able reach the top controls easily and also to read the angled prompt screen, where you can adjust the grind selector and access the ground coffee shoot.
How difficult is it to use?
Not difficult at all. The rotary control lets you toggle though set up and drink customisation swiftly. Every type of drink has a button and the display is colour-coded to display red, green or yellow depending on status so you can tell from a distance if it needs your attention or is running as intended.
Overall Impression
If you consider the design, speed and flavour of the Jura ENA Micro 9, then this unit is a winner on all counts. If you want to buy one for those lavish dinner parties, just use it at the home office, you won’t be disappointed with this fully-automatic coffee machine.