Jura Errors: Your Jura E8 Decoded

Jura Errors: Your Jura E8 Decoded

“The quality of your day is determined by how well your coffee machine works in the morning”. Whether you have a beautiful coffee maker perched in a prime position on your kitchen counter, or you – yourself –a re the human coffee maker, there’s simply no denying that coffee is what gets us up and going in the morning.

So, imagine the heartbreak of switching ion your Jura E8 (let’s just officially say you are one very, very lucky person for owning or renting one of those machines) and you’re greeted with a horrible flashing message telling you there’s something wrong with your machine.

Also, it’s your blood pressure rising that you can hear – not the coffee machine warming up.

But calm down; we’ve got you covered. Here are some of the most common problems associated with the Jura E8 (and some other ranges, too).

If you want the super-quick fix – head on over here to watch the video!

Jura Jammed Drip Tray Error

The newer Jura models are fitted with internal sensors. Sometimes, we “overwork” the machine and some of the settings inside the machine go haywire. The fix for this specific error is one of the easiest yet.

  • Remove your drip tray entirely.
  • Take out the grounds basket.
  • Replace the drip tray (without the grounds basket) into the machine and listen for some weird noises; that is an indication that your machine is resetting. Leave it for a few minutes.
  • Remove the drip tray again and replace the grounds container back into the tray.



Jura “Empty Grounds’ Error

The sensors that are responsible for this fault are the two silver looking “clips” located right at the back of your drip tray.

If your grounds container has been emptied and this error persists:

  • Remove the drip tray and gently wipe down the sensors.
  • Replace the drip tray and enjoy that well -earned cuppa!


Jura “Empty Drip Tray” Error

The resolution to this error is exactly the same as the instructions given to rectify the Jammed Drip Tray error.

  • Remove your drip tray entirely.
  • Take out the grounds basket.
  • Replace the drip tray (without the grounds basket) into the machine and leave it for a few minutes.
  • Remove the drip tray again and replace the grounds container back into the tray.


Let us know if you have encountered any other strange issues with your Jura – we’d love to investigate and help you solve the problem.