Jura Z7 vs Jura XS9 – Oldies But Goodies

Jura Z7 vs Jura XS9 – Oldies But Goodies

There are some models in any range of appliances that will stand out and become known as the “flagship” models of the brands – the tried, tested and trusted. The Jura XS9 has become one of such models in the Jura coffee machine range – for good cause, of course.

The XS9 is a beast of a machine; a huge water tank, a big bean hopper, the ability to make two drinks at once – and of course the ability for it to fit both the Fine Foam and Professional Fine Foam Frother – meaning you can make a dense-foam cappuccino as well as a light and fluffy latte.

But the XS9 is not the only workhorse of the Jura range; we’re going to take a look at the Jura Z7, compared side by side to the Jura XS9.

Jura Z7


Jura Z7

Jura Z7


  • Voltage / Frequency 120 V ~, 60 Hz
  • Power 1350 W
  • Pump pressure Static, max. 15 bar
  • Holding capacity of water tank 96 oz (2.8 l)
  • Holding capacity of bean container 10 oz (280 g)
  • Holding capacity of coffee grounds container – max. 20 portions
  • Weight 30.4 lb (13.8 kg)
  • Dimensions (W x H x D) 31xm x 37.5 cm x 45 cm)
  • Drink Selections:Milk (frothed or foamed – depending on frother type), Latte Macchiato, Cappuccino, Special Coffee, Hot Water, Ristretto, Espresso, Coffee.
  • Plain text graphic display
  • Jura Z7 pricing: +/- R 20 000.00 (ex VAT)
  • Frother type: Fits both the Fine Foam Frother and Professional Fine Foam Frother
  • One-touch cappuccino machine – no need to move your cup across from the milk to the coffee dispensing spout.
  • Hard-button selection for each type of drink

Jura XS9


Jura XS9

Jura XS9



  • Voltage 220 – 240 alternating current
  • Current 10 amp
  • Voltage / Frequency 50 hz
  • Holding capacity of water tank 5.7 L
  • Coffee grounds container (servings) 40
  • Holding capacity of bean container with aroma preservation cover 260 g
  • Bean container can be optionally extended to 730 g
  • Weight 13.8 kg
  • Dimensions (W x H x D) 41cm x 47 cm x 39 cm
  • Drink Selections: Latte Macchiato, Cappuccino, Coffee, Espresso, Milk (frothed or foamed depending on frother type), Hot Water
  • Plain text graphic display
  • Frother type: Fits both the Fine Foam Frother and Professional Fine Foam Frother
  • Jura XS9 Pricing: +/- R 28 000.00 (ex VAT)
  • One-touch cappuccino machine – no need to move your cup across from the milk to the coffee dispensing spout.
  • Hard-button selection for each type of drink

In conclusion – which is the better choice between the Jura XS9 and the Jura Z7?

The Jura Z7 was, for quite some time, the largest of the available Jura ranges. The XS9 bumped it out of first place, increasing their standing record for water tank size from 2.8 litres all the way up to 5.7litres. The bean container stayed in the same region – however, the XS9 allows for the addition of a bean hopper extension for up to a capacity of 730g.

Both machines have a basic graphic screen display, and a relatively easy to use layout. Each drink is denoted by a button, both machine are compatible with various frother types and lastly – both (unfortunately) make use of some rather dated Jura technology – with the likes of the Aroma+ Grinder (as opposed to the latest Aroma G3 Grinder) – as well as using I.P.B.W.S. (Intelligent Pre-Brew Water System) as opposed to the more modern P.E.P (Pulse Extraction Process).

Nonetheless, both of these machine will service a large office space that doesn’t place too much emphasis on aesthetic – but rather on output.

Now, choosing between the two is entirely based on three things; firstly – your personal preference., Se3condly, the aesthetic is drastically different between these two machines, and lastly, the pricing difference (if it is a factor to you).

Either way, you’ll be employing a pretty decent source of good coffee and milk-based coffee drinks for your staff 🙂