What Makes A Good Coffee Machine?
We can easily see the difference in pricing of coffee machines once we start comparing; some of those price differences are influenced by what the brand is (how popular, reliable or reputable it is.) So price and brand – off the bat – are relatively large in impacting how we perceive what is required for a coffee machine to be “good”.
Barring those two influencers – what is it really that makes a specific coffee machine “good” or “bad”? The answers might surprise you – this is the furthest thing from a “black and white” definition.
What Is The Best Coffee Machine?
Your first thought might be “Jura” – and I don’t blame you. We’ve seen the name pop up everywhere – from blogs, video reviews and even on a few episodes of Modern Family (in the kitchen of Gloria and Jay’s home – I mean – if it’s good enough for them – it must be the best, right?).
But you’d be wrong. The best coffee machine is the machine which suits YOUR specific needs. I might think a capsule coffee machine is the best thing since sliced bread – but my best friend could rigorously disagree, because her filter coffee machine wakes her up with a freshly brewed pot of coffee each morning.
If your coffee machine fills a certain need – then it’s the best coffee machine (for you).
What Are The Best Types of Coffee Machines?
Again, this is relative. I’m going to walk you through which type of machine might be your best fit, depending on your coffee preference; I’ve compiled this in such a way that we will begin with the smallest, cheapest coffee machine type, and work our way up the ladder.
Best Coffee Machine: French Press
The most basic of all “coffee machine” types. A simple glass jar fitted with a removable mesh filter, used to isolate and compress the coffee grounds at the bottom of the jar once the coffee has brewed. Uses ground beans (AKA filter coffee)
– Usually makes a maximum of two cups – great for those who are the only coffee drinkers.
– No fancy features – coffee should be drunk within a few minutes of brewing to keep it from getting cold.
– Will not provide you with cappuccino’s and fancy coffee drinks
– Retails between R 90.00 – R250.00, depending on price and materials used
– Best for: One or two people, who can drink their coffee quickly and enjoy it “as it is”.
Best Coffee Machine: Filter Coffee
The next step-up on the French Press is the beloved filter coffee machine. This coffee machine type has stood the test of time.
– Can make up to 12 cups per pot brewed (usually). It’s essentially a French Press that does all the work for you.
– Usually fitted with heating plates to ensure your coffee stays hot after it’s been brewed.
– It makes exactly the same type of coffee you’d expect from a French Press – plain filter coffee.
– Two main types of filter coffee machines – commercial and industrial (the differences can be found in this article)
– Retails between R 350.00 (commercial purchase) and R4 500.00 (industrial purchase)
– Best for: Those who enjoy plain coffee, perhaps in larger quantities, or those who enjoy the convenience of the machine.
Best Coffee Machine: Capsule Coffee Machine
The ideal home-application coffee machine.
– Same filter coffee type, but in a compressed and easy-to-use capsule form.
– Some machines have milk frothers, or make use of powdered milk capsules. Adaptable in the sense that you can get cappuccino’s from these types of machines, but you are essentially still drinking filter coffee.
– Easy to use machine with little maintenance required.
– Retails between R 1000.00 for non-milk-frother types, all the way up to R 5000.00+ for the higher-end capsule coffee machine variants.
– Best for: Those who enjoy good coffee, sometimes a speciality milk drink and will be using the machine for a maximum of 5 people.
Best Coffee Machine: Bean to Cup / Automatic Coffee Machines
The high-end range of coffee machines that gives you uncompromised quality coffee.
– Freshest possible coffee guaranteed – roasted beans are ground up inside the machine and extracted from immediately.
– Capable of making speciality milk-based coffee drinks, at the touch of one or two buttons.
– Requires slightly more maintenance than other coffee machine types, and may be considerable yore costly.
– Retails between R 7 000.00 – R 22 000.00 for outright purchase.
– Best for: Those who want café quality coffee on demand and don’t mind the associated price tag.
In conclusion – it’s easy to see that there is no definitive “Best Coffee Machine” – only the one that suits your needs as best as it can.
These guides can be especially useful to “find your groove” and help you along your coffee machine journey!
Ultimate Buyers Guide For Coffee Machines In Every Space (Drop us an e-mail to request this comprehensive guide at sales@aquaspresso.co.za 🙂
Related: Coffee Machine Rental – How To Choose A Coffee Machine Supplier