Must-Have Coffee Shop Equipment in 2021

Small business owners have been hit hard by the pandemic. The string of lockdowns have been difficult to navigate, but with the vaccination process gaining steam, coffee shops and other restaurants are slowly starting to make a comeback. If you’re a coffee shop owner, or someone with aspirations of owning your own coffee shop one day, you’ll need to offer more than just great service to customers. These are some of the must-have pieces of coffee shop equipment that you should make sure you have in your possession in order to get the most out of the space. 

Reliable Coffee Machines

It goes without saying that reliable, well maintained coffee machines are crucial to running a viable coffee shop. From automatic coffee makers, to an industrial coffee bean grinder and a top notch espresso machine, you need to make sure you cover your bases relative to what you offer on the menu. If cashflow is a little strained thanks to the pandemic, you can try renting equipment instead of buying it to tide you over. Aquaspresso can help you out with some of the best coffee machines on the market, as well as assisting with keeping them regularly serviced too. Other basics to consider have a good supply of include countertop condiments as well as fresh looking coffee and espresso mugs.

Industrial Blenders

A commercial blender can be a game changer in terms of offering you an opportunity to create specialised drinks to your clientele. It means you can create a string of iced coffee options, as well as smoothies and other drinks that may be beneficial to your customers. Price and performance are everything when it comes to buying an industrial blender. Because it will be used every day, it isn’t worth buying a household one, and running the risk that the motor overheats after just a few days of heavy use. 

Coffee shop with equipment to sell baked goods

Ovens & Toasters

Even if you’re only a small operation, having patisserie-type treats and snacks to offer your clients alongside their hot drink can make a healthy contribution to the bottom line, as well as open up the opportunity for you to run combo specials that entice customers to spend a little more. To do this, you’ll need a good oven or two, as well as some toasters. This opens you up to creating a string of breakfast items as well, which may even make your coffee shop a post-COVID hotspot for friends to get together and start their day with some social interaction. 

A Sanitisation Station

Last but not least, even though the pandemic will hopefully be trending downwards after a majority of the country is vaccinated, having a sanitisation station at the entrance of the shop is still very important. People are far more aware of how easily germs and viruses spread these days, so even if there are people who choose not to use it, it’s good to offer the option. Cashless transactions are the way of the future, so make sure you have a “tap & go” payment facility to keep direct contact to a minimum as well, just as an added precaution. You’ve now got everything you need to know about the must-have coffee shop equipment for your space in 2021.