Nescafe Dulce Gusto Price Review

Nescafe Dulce Gusto Price Review

Nescafé is a brand that has become synonymous with coffee royalty, partly due to their incredible global marketing campaigns, but also because they offer a dynamic range of coffee machines and capsule solutions tailored to the needs of their growing fanbase and loyal clients. 

Nescafé Dolce Gusto capsules, boasting a reputation for providing “coffee in under a minute”, is a popular solution for any coffee lover, but we were curious to explore the overall prices of the capsules in conjunction with their coffee machines, to get a better sense around the total affordability of these products, and to find out whether the bang is worth the buck in this case, and the hype is worth it after all. Can great coffee sold by an elegant celebrity be, well, affordable too?

Digging Deeper: About Nescafé Dolce Gusto

Nescafé relates the coffee-making process to a modern art form: including a touch of finesse, care and beauty. Quality and style are their top priority, and this shows when you look at the range as a whole (not only in their coffee offering, but in their other hot drink ranges as well). The Dolce Gusto brand was founded on the principle of bringing high-quality products straight to our living rooms and kitchens. 

Types of Nescafé Dolce Gusto Machines & Capsules

In terms of their coffee machine range, there are a variety of options to choose from, including the Lumio, Piccolo, Genio, Esperta, ‘Mine Me’ & Stelia Range. The most important thing to consider when deciding on the range that works for you, is the size of the machine and considering which range fits best with the overall aesthetic of your kitchen. It’s also worth looking at how many people will be using the machine and how regularly. With regards to the other half of the coffee experience, Nescafé Dolce Gusto’s capsules come in many shapes and sizes, including all your coffee shop favourites, as well as, surprisingly, a capsule range for tea as well.

Price Check: Nescafé Dolce Gusto Machines & Capsules

It’s all very good that Nescafé Dolce Gusto boasts an impressive range of machines and capsules, but how do they hold steady in terms of pricing and affordability, all things considered? Relatively impressively so, we might add. They have a wide range of machines that are under R2000.00, meaning that you won’t need to break the bank (or save for ages) to be able to serve great coffee at home. Their capsules retail at around R90.00 for anywhere between 12 and 16 capsules, giving you a cup a day for two weeks, at a way more affordable cost price than popping over to the coffee shop next to work each morning.

Overall Impressions

In a certain sense, it was surprising that the machines retailed at their current prices, and simultaneously, the luxurious ad campaigns marketing the capsules may have also given you an impression that you will be coughing up over R150.00 for a handful capsules. It was nice to be pleasantly surprised. It’s also nice to know that good quality and style doesn’t have to be something you can only enjoy when your rich cousin comes to town. Consider us impressed by the experience and learnings overall.