Reducing Coffee Product Costs With Vending Machines

Reducing Coffee Product Costs With Vending Machines – For Groups of 500 People

We used to be known only as the specialists in luxury coffee solutions for offices.We were the go-to people for offices that were happy to spend more money than they were currently spending to have nicer coffee in their office. Whilst everyone wants nicer coffee in their office, not everyone’s budget allows for this – Enter the Coffee Vending Machine!

Coffee Vending Machines Are LaunchedBravilor Instant Vending

At the end of 2013 we decided to launch or vending machine range which we hoped would fill the need for offices looking to have something a bit nicer than the old urn and Ricoffy whilst at the same time giving them a solution which would land up saving them money in the long run. We tried our new coffee vending solution on many companies and over the next 2 years and discovered that our cost saving solution worked and was a hit in about 70% of offices whilst we were just not a good fit for 30% of offices. About 5 months ago we launched our vending solution in NBC (A company of over 500 people spanning 13 floors) and today they are one of our happiest most successful customers-  but it was not always that way. NBC represented for us, a mix between a company for which vending machines worked for and a company for whose employees it was not a great fit for at the outset.

What did we set out to Achieve: Cost Saving and Coffee Enjoyment

NBC was spending a fortune of money on coffee sugar and milk but particularly on milk. Vending machines are usually a good fit for companies whose milk bill is inordinately high as vending machines control milk usage by stopping theft, preventing over pouring and they eliminate employees ability to use milk in cereals and porridges.

The other inherent goal we set out achieve was to ensure everyone loved the new solution as even if a company is saving a lot of money due to vending machines but the staff aren’t enjoying the product, then most likely in the long run it just won’t work.

What Worked and What Didn’t Work?

The first three months was a great success in terms of cost saving but a big flop in terms of overall enjoyment. Sometimes messing with the status quo does not have the intended results. Some of the staff members found the coffee not to their taste and the powder milk was not everyone’s cuppa tea.

What was the Solution?

We experimented with three different coffee variants and adjusted the milk settings on each individual floor until we had as many people as happy as possible. In the end people’s attitudes turned from resentment to loving the simplicity and ease of the solution which was largely due to time passing and change being slowly accepted.


Coffee vending machines are able to save most companies significant amounts of money on their coffee, sugar and milk spend but a factor to keep in mind just as much as cost saving is people’s enjoyment. Almost always one can tweak settings and change ingredients to find a common ground which makes everyone happy but one has to go in, understanding that it does sometimes take a bit of time to get everyone to level of happiness.

To try a coffee machine for a month to see if it will save costs in your business please complete your details below!